
28 February 2014

:: another warning - this is about 1d ::

"that's controversial!"

all good opinions are, sweetheart.

and this is one heck of a good opinion.

so I was listening to 'story of my life' for the, like, 6,000th time since october and something hit me, so utterly genius I had to share it. 

consider the first part of the chorus.

the story of my life
I take her home
I drive all night to keep her warm
and time is frozen

okay, what are their three albums? take me home. up all night. midnight memories. (so that's not in order. work with me, here.) let's see:

the story of their lives
they "take me home"
they're "up all night"
to keep her warm so that one doesn't quite fit but be a sport
and time is frozen (like, memories? get it?)

I think that's pretty cool.
that is pretty cool, right? I mean, I suppose it could be kind of... convoluted. like, I didn't totally squeeze meaning into it, did I? it sounded so good in my head!


  1. Totally cool! It fits perfectly! As far as the slight differences go, they can't make it too obvious. When it is verbatim, that takes away the awesomeness *chuckle*;). Great observation!


    1. well, thanks for the ego boost :)


by all means, leave a comment if you have something to share! please keep your language clean, respectful, and polite.

staying on topic would be nice, too, but I know that can be hard sometimes.