
07 February 2014

:: [read in mr. darcy's apologetic voice] ::

I was talking to my bestest friend yesterday (no names mentioned, or anything, but kelsey you know who you are) and she said, considering my over-sensitivity to rebecca dew's ridiculous comment, that I was giving myself too hard a time and really being a fathead about it all. I mean, not in those exact words or even in that tone of voice, but her point was that I just seriously needed to get over myself because I'm being ridiculous.

most of that was the voice in my head combined with her (loving) words of common sense (I was exaggerating your message, kels. I know you didn't mean it that way x) ). so I'm here to apologize really loudly and clearly and… apologetically.

so, guys: I know I have an ego problem, and I know I was overreacting to l. m. montgomery's point -- which, if she really meant that beautiful people don't work, was wrong (I take no credit here! kelsey's words!) -- and I am so sorry for saddling you with my emotional, after-midnight issues.

yeah, I really did write that post after midnight. not smart at all. I'll stop that. and I'll also give myself a few whacks upside the head to clear it a little. and then I'll go read something uplifting, like northanger abbey. (haha, that one's just for my awesomest friend ever. meaning kelsey. obvs.)

woo, henry tilney!! on a new topic, who is the best hero in all of jane austen? …ha. just kidding. I don't think I want to go there. I have a hard enough time picking my favorite ice cream flavor.

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staying on topic would be nice, too, but I know that can be hard sometimes.