
21 January 2014

:: a damp symbolic interlude ::

today is snowy and blowy and cold. I feel compelled to read great works about spring.

...okay, so it's not exactly about spring. but it is about amory blaine, and that works, too.

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The night mist fell. From the moon it rolled, clustered about the spires and towers, and then settled below them, so that the dreaming peaks were still in lofty aspiration toward the sky. Figures that dotted the day like ants now brushed along as shadowy ghosts, in and out of the foreground. The Gothic halls and cloisters were infinitely more mysterious as they loomed suddenly out of the darkness, outlined each by myriad faint squares of yellow light. Indefinitely from somewhere a bell boomed the quarter-hour, and Amory, pausing by the sun-dial, stretched himself out full-length on the damp grass. The cool bathed his eyes and slowed the flight of time -- time that had crept so insidiously through the lazy April afternoons seemed so intangible in the long spring twilights. Evening after evening the senior singing had drifted over the campus in melancholy beauty, and through the shell of his undergraduate consciousness had broken a deep and reverent devotion to the gray walls and Gothic peaks and all they symbolized as warehouses of dead ages.

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1 comment:

  1. Yep, it works all right! It made me feel dreamy...


by all means, leave a comment if you have something to share! please keep your language clean, respectful, and polite.

staying on topic would be nice, too, but I know that can be hard sometimes.