
11 September 2014

:: what to expect from college ::

panic attacks.

then to look at the cons...

just kidding! it's not nearly so bad. I mean, yes, I have experienced all those things so far (except the panic attacks, hahaha! wouldn't that be just too dramatic), but they really are the downsides. I'm enjoying it so far. for the most part.

anyway, if you want to see what CLASSWORK is like -- and believe me, that was a NEW CONCEPT for this SHELTERED HOMESCHOOLER -- here is a picture of some of mine.

ta-da! and would you believe this is basically extra credit? because it wasn't even assigned!! I am an overachiever.

really, I was waiting for my instructor to show up and I couldn't get that rogue valley song out of my head and I am so excited about the leaves falling and the strikingly blue sky and the crisp air and the apples, so I wrote 'autumn' over and over and some nice little autumnal quotes (mainly keats, but one not keats) and then, inevitably, the first verse of That Rogue Valley Song.

which I will now proceed to show you, because my life is so devoid of other-than-college that I can only supply pictures relating to... college. sorry. I'm trying to read castle rackrent, really I am, but that might have to wait until fall break. when I will be working on my research paper, so... so yeah. my life in a nutshell. or piece of binder paper, whichever you prefer.


  1. At first you got me a little worried, Deryn! Of course, I should know by now that you're almost always slightly dramatic;).

    Your work is continuing to look beautiful and still more beautiful! Great work! Don't get too exhausted and stressed. Stay away from frustration and definitely panic attacks.


  2. I will definitely try :)


by all means, leave a comment if you have something to share! please keep your language clean, respectful, and polite.

staying on topic would be nice, too, but I know that can be hard sometimes.