
31 March 2014

:: I need to tell someone ::

as you may have gathered from my LBD references and quotes and more references and quotes, I reference and quote LBD a lot. I truly enjoyed it. so when pemberley digital began their emma approved series, I was stoked… for a while. I'm not a huge fan of joanna sotomura's acting style, but I can live with it; I suppose she fits emma enough. harriet/dayeanne hutton drives me up the wall, but again, I can live with it. how?
   in two words, brent bailey. he is fabulous as a modern spin on mr. knightley, and really makes it all worth it. I'm pretty excited to see where this goes. I mean, I know where this goes, but I want to see how they do it. what?? don't judge me.

anyway, I watched the few first episodes when they first came out, was unimpressed, and dropped it, but a few weeks later one of my friends (amy dashwood, to be exact) mentioned something about it and I was so darn curious I went back and haven't stopped. it sort of gets better with time. and I've always loved mr. knightley, so… you know….

welllllllll, this all is merely background to the latest episode (#41) which just came out today. senator elton shows up to ask emma to plan his engagement party. she is of course "extremely put. out.", though mr. knightley's take is (also of course) hilarious ("actually I think it's a remarkable thi-- buut you obviously don't agree") and senator elton is still his mr.-elton-ish self. I was all enjoying the characters playing out their personalities when, woohoo, mrs. e shows up.


I screeched. my eyes popped out about a foot. I laughed and screeched again.

guess I can't stop now.

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staying on topic would be nice, too, but I know that can be hard sometimes.