
11 July 2020

the five-books challenge

what five books would you choose if you could only read five books for the rest of your life?

what if you were stranded on an island. maybe an island with a large horseradish-apple tree growing on it; maybe a little atoll somewhere with a sprinkle of stereotypical palm trees; maybe a third small island where remains an old stone table and a moulder'd cave. really, pick wherever for your hermit's history, but then pick your five books.

it's super hard, because they have to be deep enough to give you thoughts to think for, seriously, the rest of your life, and general enough to fit all your moods and life situations (...though if you're vibing with crusoe there may not be a lot of variability to your days after all). so I'm assembling various five-book-portable-libraries to make the choosing easier.

I've put together several packages—fast, nutritious, and convenient for the busy traveler who doesn't have the time to assemble her own list. pick one up today from an isle near you!

the serious reader: the person who wants a range of writing styles, emotions, and genres while keeping it classy
the ultimate poetry anthology (curated by me + harold bloom)
dickens's complete works
calvin's institutes
alexandre dumas anthology or complete works

the just for fun: the person who wants to spend her time lying on the desert island beach getting a tan with a desultory glance at a page, and maybe curl up with some light reading that evening by the stormy window with a cup of tea
lord of the rings
jane austen
I capture the castle
three men in a boat
room with a view

the state of man: the person who wants to spend her seclusion philosophizing on the society she left (in like, milan, along with her dukedom), the depravity of the human heart, and what has been done about it
oscar wilde collected works
crime & punishment
john bunyan anthology
the ultimate poetry anthology (still curated by me! + harold bloom)
[and maybe thoreau? am waffling on this last one. good variety but wonder if there's something better/longer. will take recommendations]

the poet: sweet love, sweet lines, sweet life! and mad world, mad kings, mad composition
[biggest personal challenge I'm facing at the moment]

non-fiction: for the person who wants to spend that desert island time improving her mind by extensive reading, but seldom looks into novels
[still working on this one]

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the thing about imposed restrictions is that you have to be that much more intentional and creative within them, so I want to come up with the only-5 lists for kids as well (to read and to be read to). 

goodnight, gorilla - peggy rathmann
hondo and fabian - peter mccarty
the runaway bunny - margaret wise brown
either opposites or moo, baa, la! la! la! - sandra boynton
A, B, C: an amazing alphabet book! - dr. seuss

eeny, meeny, and miney mole - jane yolen
the story of ferdinand - munro leaf
george and martha - james marshall
surprises - lee bennett hopkins
where the sidewalk ends - shel silverstein

the king's equal - katherine paterson
one morning in maine - robert mccloskey
alexander and the terrible, horrible, no-good, very bad day - judith viorst
the lion, the witch, and the wardrobe - c. s. lewis
the oxford illustrated book of american children's verse - donald hall

the saturdays - elizabeth enright
frindle - andrew clements
tuck everlasting - natalie babbitt
holes - louis sachar
a child's anthology of poetry - elizabeth hauge sword

the question of course is: can you take the previous books with you into the next period of life? because I'm making the rules, I think so. these are books that grow with you, and assuming there is also society on these isolated islands, you'll want to give these books and their lessons to your children, too. while that sort of translates to more than five, I don't think it counts, since this isn't where you're getting your main thought food. also you have to build thoughts: you have to start somewhere to reach the big 5 in adulthood. and really, the themes are the same across the years—always considering that at some point, george and martha will not be what you turn to first on that sunny beach day or that thoughtful rain-swept evening.

but sometimes, yeah, you just want to read about split pea soup in slippers. it happens. even in australia.

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by all means, leave a comment if you have something to share! please keep your language clean, respectful, and polite.

staying on topic would be nice, too, but I know that can be hard sometimes.