"break-y glory" haha. I don't know what I was thinking. *chuckles quietly to self
I'm in a really, really good mood right now. like, the power literally just went off because we're in the middle of a gorgeous rainstorm, but my computer has hours of power so I can keep typing without having to save in the middle, but that's not why I'm in a good mood. it just has to do with everything.
today has been so productive. I worked on my martin luther paper for history class; did a big chunk of my math project; completed my resume for gen 101 (have I mentioned UGH but I did it); sent in my vaccine information; finished, photographed, and uploaded this week's journal drawings for art 106; and that means I have not only very little to do tomorrow, but
also, I love rainstorms.
and we have earl grey tea (which is my favorite, with a little sugar and some cream).
plus, it's friday, and I just like fridays a whole lot. maybe because I'm in love. xD *cracks self up*
let's see, any other reasons today has been good? good hair day. of course, it only happens when I'm not on campus, but it makes me feel really gorgeous all day.
sitting on the floor in my pjs.
dropping crumbs everywhere while I try to eat and do homework at once.
utter gorgeousness.
WHATEVER. my hair feels good, okay?
I've found a little more time to read recently, and that feels fabulous, too. I always forget how much I love the way my mind feels while I'm reading -- which is a really odd way to put it, but I'm not super good with describing anything feelings.
there is a confession I have to make, though. yesterday was national poetry day, and I utterly dropped the ball. several months ago (as in, maybe mid-august), I realized that by this time I'd be swamped and I should get together some posts on poetry -- pictures, a video or two, typography, you know. but I never did it, as dr. seuss would say, and now it's too late. I was going to host this whole amazing poetry PARTY, basically, and devote an entire week to the glorious stuff, but only collected material for maybe one post and then didn't even post it on the second.
guess there's always next year. oh well.
some spontaneous inspiration has hit me during class, though, so I'll be posting a little more frequently. probably. maybe. hopefully.
have a wonderful fall break, everybody, because I definitely will. even though for anyone to have more fun than I do is basically impossible. sorry guys.