my trip was fantastic.
utterly fantastic.
I mean, it was so great, nothing else could describe it. seriously: fantastic!
but I'm home now; falling asleep around 1 am and waking up around 10 am because I'm not adjusted yet to the time change (west to east is the worst). I'm drinking coffee, enjoying the break from work, and getting started on those lovely little modules Everybody's Favorite University requires me to do -- on alcohol, sexual assault, Really Boring Things You Need To Know Before Starting Classes, things like that.
actually, overachiever that I am, I finished everything I'm able to so far in both the first modules; all I have left are the Really Boring TYNTKBSC. because they have serious tests after each module and the first one I took left me with a 65% grade and I was all, OH NO I WON'T, so I'm really taking my time on those (at least you can retake the quizzes. opps).
they're not too bad, just eye-roll-y.
what I am really looking forward to is the month-long calligraphy course I start in approximately three days (or whenever my nibs get here). I'm very excited about this and super-impatient to get started.
can you see how my moods could be very bipolar right now? I had a great time in california (yay!). I had to come home (boo!). I missed my family and was thrilled to be back (yay!). I miss my best friend, the mountains, and in-n-out (boo!). I have thrilling college prep stuff I get to do (yay!). some is unnecessary and eye-roll-y (boo!). but I have an awesome opportunity to practice calligraphy and lettering (YAY!). which will begin in a few days, because I have to actually wait for the supplies (BOO!).
not to end on a down note, here's a joke. yay!
q. what's the best thing about switzerland?
a. I don't know, but the flag's a big plus!
don't feel bad if you laughed.
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staying on topic would be nice, too, but I know that can be hard sometimes.