
15 August 2013

:: gentlemen! this is a very. big. day! ::

a very, very big day.

it's the birthday of an amazing person, and I think we should all celebrate.

haappy BIRTHday TO youuuuu

haaappy BIRTHday TO youuuuu
haappy BIRTHday DEAR sir WALTER sco-o-o-ott [you can make it fit, be a sport]

cha cha cha. 

and many moooooore, of course. 

YES, today! is the 242nd birthday of sir walter scott! the author of waverley, ivanhoe, and the heart of midlothian! *lots of cheering and clapping*

being his birthday, I have an announcement to make. *more cheering and clapping, hopefully* 

I was sick last week (not the announcement), so I had no time to prepare anything (not the announcement, either), so this upcoming event will be one week late (not the freaking announcement). this upcoming week -- august 19-23 -- I hereby proclaim to be National Sir Walter Scott Week, and attendance is mandatory. ...make that International SWSW. the more the merrier, I always say. 

by next friday, you'll probably know more about this awesome dude than you ever really wanted to know, but it'll be fun, I promise you!

for me, anyway. >:)

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