well, it's not (unless my life is a story, which would be definitely fabulous, though extremely improbable). my last final is this evening at 5.30 (*insert gagging face here*) but the upside is that when I wake up tomorrow I will be a FREE WOMAN until next semester but let's not go there just yet.
"free" to, you know, fill out applications for scholarships and write essays and catch up on all the relationships and obligations I've ignored for the past three months. "free" is, of course, relative.
one of those obligations being to update my reading and my thinking and all, here, I will be getting to that. soon. ish.
this year, I did keep a list of all the books I read (and re-read) -- literally, every single book for my entire year. it's lovely to look back and remember where I was and what was going on (my name is asher lev, for example, was read in a near-snow-bound house in michigan just hours before our trek back to notre dame to watch 'coriolanus' with tom hiddleston and hadley fraser and mark gatiss. I've mentioned that before, right? it was a huge life-highlight, so I'd better have).
aaaanyway, that list will be extraordinarily helpful when I do my 2014 life roundup -- if I actually do it. before new years. -- because I love lists and I love concise, quantitative measurements of my year. (if you think that neither "concise" nor "quantitative" makes sense, you do not understand that sentence. read it again and grasp my full, deep meaning or give up and admit
but I'm getting ahead of myself. that last final still hangs over my head. *sigh*
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staying on topic would be nice, too, but I know that can be hard sometimes.