
27 August 2014

:: famous, if only by association ::

if you haven't been living under a rock, you know about the pinterest monster, Crazy Cat Lady. she's the eccentric rich old introvert that every girl wants to be right about now, because we all like to think we're a little different, we'd all love to be rich, old not so much but at least past awkward youth, and introvert because it's really super-trendy to be all, "yeah, so, I don't care what anybody thinks, and, like, I just want to lie around in my pjs and whatever, you want to judge me, I don't care" -- mainly because these are skinny, cute, made-up girls with great hair and adorable lounge pants.
*takes deep breath*
I am practically famous.
like, she is... she is IT. okay, not rich, and not old, and not really an introvert; nor does she have a lot of cats around; but, other than that -- this girl 
okay, I shouldn't be all judgy mcjudgerson about her. yeah, she's a little quirky, maybe, but aren't we all??? (I've obviously learned a lot from all the diversity talks during various orientations.) 
she wants to get training in art to teach feline painting. -- that's not people, painting cats; OH NO, that's cats doing the artwork. she thinks they have a huge capacity for artistic expression and that -- and I quote -- "cats see what we don't see. humans do the same things, over and over, so I think we could really benefit from their point of view." 
*runs screaming*

19 August 2014

:: more calligraphy ::

when I spend my days reading, I write about what I read.

when I spend my days drawing, I write about what I drew.

when I spend my days stressing about the college classes that are coming up in less than a week and all the activities I have to be at on campus, I post pictures of the calligraphy I did to calm myself down.

addresses of real people and real places, though not necessarily in the right order;

poetry (keats);

addresses of real places most definitely in the right order;

and more poetry (swinburne). 

my first college activity is tomorrow evening. I get my 2014 event book-thing with the other commuter students, and then we go to the -- and I quote -- "one-of-a-kind get-to-know-you activity". never trust a claim made with that many hyphens.

wish me an extraordinary amount of luck. 

15 August 2014

:: impatient much ::

you know when somebody is like, "guess what," and you're like, "what," and they're like, "oh wait -- let me drink some water real long," or "let me pant because I rushed here," or "oh, never mind"? this is another witty thing:

"thou comest to use thy tongue; thy story quickly." 

macbeth, act 5, scene 5 

06 August 2014

:: practicing addresses ::

   my latest calligraphy assignment was to write addresses on envelopes. I did; but then I wanted to try with some ordinary pens.
   so, I have waaaay too much fun making up the recipients. it's hilarity-inspiring when I think of just how many little secrets I have stowed away in these fantastic addresses.

here's a picture.

do you get them*??? hilarious, yes?? (*you have to be familiar with the poets in question, and their works. also you must have devoured les mis and be moderately familiar with it. please forgive my accidental forgetting of the second letter 'u' in 'luxembourg'.)

I also came up with an "agnes frollo - hugo building, notre dame university, 1 gringoire drive, emerald, MI" address, but didn't end up using it because 1. it's super long and probably not even in the right order 2. it's not very subtle, and I like to be subtle about these things, and 3. I couldn't come up with a good zip code.
   come up with a good zip code, and I'll write you a letter. (I know, right?)

these are the exciting things happening in my life. in little things that you probably don't care about, I bought books for my first semester today. it was a lot of money. another little thing: college starts in 2 weeks, 4 days, 19 hours, and 45 minutes. another lot of money. but not that I'm intimidated or counting down until the day I probably implode from the pressure and nervosity, which is a word.

if I don't make it back... enjoy your fall! I will probably be terrorized until christmas break :)